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Ich hab noch mal in den Büchern nachgeschau, aber das Zeichen habe ich nur so gefunden. In "Mechanicum" wenden sich die Ketzer zwar ab, aber das Zeichen wird nicht geändert. Auch in "Battle for the Abyss" stand nix, "Dark Adeptus" gab nichts her. Kann aber gut sein, dass ich etwas übersehen habe. Eigentlich dient auch der DM dem Omnissiah, denkt halt nur, dass Chaos doller ist und experimentiert mehr rum. Folgendes habe ich in 'nem englischen Forum gefunden:
1) Chaotic Dark Mechanicus. Related to, allied with or descended from the original Heresy-era traitors, these are chaos-worshipping Mechanicus. Using these on the tabletop, obliterators, daemon engines and chaos vehicles would be very suitable.
Similar to the chaos legions, some might still believe themselves to be the 'True Mechanicus', and thus dress in a similar way to regular Mechanicus, in red robes with cream detailing; different only in the details. A very suitable symbol would be a debased version of the half-cyborged skull of the loyal Mechanicus – a daemon skull with a cyborged half, mounted on an eight-pointed cog (as opposed to the 12-pointed cog on the loyalists). Mutations and obliterator-style mechanical flesh would be especially fitting for these filthy beasts.
Summary: A difference in approach.
2) Renegade Mechanicus. Cult members who have become increasingly radicalised by pursuit of forbidden arts. Having overtly rejected the Cult Mechanicus' doctrines (by pursuing abominable intelligence or cloning, for example – both explicitly forbidden by the Cult's sixteen universal laws, especially the eight warning), these would be the most visually different from the regular Mechanicus, as they have rejected the Cult's doctrines, and might seek to distance themselves from the Cult.
I'd use a dark grey or black colour scheme with red cogs. List-wise, cloned basic troopers, extensive use of 'counts-as' robots and small, elite Inquisition-style armies might be fitting.
Summary: Liberal techpriests.
3) Heretic Mechanicus. Heretic Mechanicus differ from the previous two schools of thought because they have rejected the Cult's basic tenet of human primacy. These might worship another god in the guise of the Machine God– the chaos gods, for example; or the Void Dragon C'tan. Equally, they might simply be delving into xeno-heresy, studying alien artefacts for knowledge; or have rejected the cult and religious aspects of technology. They might see themselves as 'enlightened' or superior to other Mechanicus members. Depending on their particular heresy, these would look very different. Some might be identified by a lack of or change in Cult symbology (cogs replaced with dragons, for example), while some may have discarded their robes and wear more practical clothing.
Summary: A difference in focus.